EveryDay Rose Bouquet
**Available in Red, White, Pink, Hot Pink, Yellow, Orange, Lavender, colour may vary**
Sweet & Pretty Bouquet - Deluxe
Shades of pink in the FTD Sweet & Pretty Arrangement that creates a welcoming bouquet suitable for someone special.
Sweet Success
Brightly coloured matching roses and gerbera daisies are sure to please. Available in pale pink, bright/hot pink, yellow,and seasonally red & orange.
Angels Grace
Beautiful angel keepsake with the addition of a rose spray. **Three angels to choose from, as well as choice of roses-pink. white or red.** ***Angel measures 12"h x 6.5"w x 5"d***
Natural Beauty Vase Arrangement
Stunning all white vase arrangement with hydrangeas, lilies and roses to show your love.
Gracefuls Bouquet
The FTD Gracefuls Bouquet has elegant bright blooms, and is designed to celebrate the beauty of life.
Red Hot Bouquet
Nothing burns brighter than your passion and love, but the FTD Red Hot Bouquet come pretty close.
Sugarplum Bouquet
Make anyone feel special with this lovely FTD SugarPlum Bouquet, arrangement of sweet blooms.
SkyBlue Delight Bouquet
These ivory roses and FTD Sky Blue Delight with blue blooms will brighten anyone’s day.
Everyday Love Bouquet
Any day is a great day to show someone how much you love them with the FTD Everyday Love Cube bright pink arrangement.
Beyond Blue Box-Deluxe
There is something about the shade of blue that brings a sense of calmness and serenity. Our FTD Beyond Blue Box bouquet is designed with billowing white blooms and pops of bold florals to deliver just the right sentiment for any occasion.