Triple Delight Rose Bouquet
When you want to say I'm thinking of you, a small rose bouquet can be the right choice. This petite bouquet features 3 roses in glass bud vase, tied with a ribbon. Available in pink, red, yellow, white, blue or rainbow.
Love In Bloom
This bouquet is the perfect expression of sweet affection and adoration. Rich red roses, burgundy carnations, pink Peruvian lilies, pink mini carnations and lush greens are gorgeously arranged in a clear glass vase lined with a ti leaf to create a...
EveryDay Rose Bouquet
Everyday, there is something special to celebrate. From the simplest of event, to the most monumental occasion. 12 LS roses is a vase can be your go-to arrangement. **Available in Red, White, Pink. Hot Pink, Yellow,...
Romantique Bouquet - Exquisite
This fresh take on the classic Valentine’s Day arrangement is just the bouquet to have your special someone swooning. Full blooms like lilies and roses take center stage in our Romantique Bouquet, while bold purple statice and dainty lavender stock...