Daisy Vase
Easy daisy it. Over 3 dozen cheery white daisies bring a bright day to someone special. Arranged in a glass vase, this sweet bouquet will be welcome for any occasion.
Basket of Cheer Bouquet
This cheery basket is a welcome sight. Bright and fluffy pink carnations, lavender and yellow daisy pompoms, with white and purple accents are arranged in a handled basket. Its the perfect gift for any occasion.
Everyday Love Bouquet
Any day is a great day to show someone how much you love them with the FTD Everyday Love Cube bright pink arrangement.
SkyBlue Delight Bouquet
These ivory roses and FTD Sky Blue Delight with blue blooms will brighten anyone’s day.
Gracefuls Bouquet
The FTD Gracefuls Bouquet has elegant bright blooms, and is designed to celebrate the beauty of life.
Benny-Phant Elephnt-10"
Adorable pink elephant for a new baby girl. The ideal gift to complete a nursery.
My First Puppy Blue- 10"
Blue sitting plush puppy with My First Puppy embroidered on the foot. 10"tall All features are embroidered for baby safety.
Gourmet Fruit Basket
Gourmet fruit basket-with an assortment of fruit, and variety of shareable treats, cookies, chocolates, cheese and crackers. **Fruit Baskets are for next day delivery**
Fruit Basket - Deluxe
A gift of fruit shares comfort and freshness to all. Our basket comes full of an assortment with the highest quality of colorful oranges, bananas, grapes, apples, pears and tangerines to bring a little color to their life. **Fruit Baskets are for...
Tropical Ceramic Planter
Tropical planter with a mixture of flowering & non flowering plants and mixed plants in a ceramic dish. *Dishes may vary in colour**
Add a pop of whimsy with a balloon for any occasion- Birthday, Anniversary, Congratulations and Get Well and Bab Boy or Baby Girl. **DESIGNS VARY**(We try to match the balloon to the arrangement)