Basket of Cheer Bouquet
This cheery basket is a welcome sight. Bright and fluffy pink carnations, lavender and yellow daisy pompoms, with white and purple accents are arranged in a handled basket. Its the perfect gift for any occasion.
Garden Walk Bouquet
A walk through this little "garden" is certain to catch your eye! These spider Gerbera daisies** are brilliantly fuchsia and beautifully offset by deep purple Matusmoto asters** and alstroemeria. Arranged in a clear rectangular glass vase, this bouquet...
Blooming Bounty Bouquet
This pretty basket is sure to cheer up anyone's day. This white-wash handled basket is filled with green button pompons, white daisy pompons, hot pink mini carnations and purple carnations. A lavender ribbon bow completes your best wishes.
Daisy Vase
Easy daisy it. Over 3 dozen cheery white daisies bring a bright day to someone special. Arranged in a glass vase, this sweet bouquet will be welcome for any occasion.
Mariposa Bouquet - Deluxe
Did you know that when a butterfly crosses your path, it’s a symbol of good luck? This FTD Mariposa Bouquet offers a mix of ruffled texture, vibrant colors, and positivity to light up any room as soon as it arrives.
Emerald Forest Bouquet
Add a touch of greenery with the FTD Emerald Forest cube and brighten up your home with these bright green blooms.
Oopsie Daisy Bouquet-Deluxe
Full of cute and whimsy the FTD Oopsie Daisy Bouqet is Sure to make them smile from ear to ear.
Sunny Sentiments Bouquet - Deluxe
Share some sunshine with your loved ones with this cheery FTD Sunny Sentiments bouquet. Designed with uplifting shades of yellow, this bouquet features classic blooms to boost their mood & make any day brighter.
Beach House Bouquet - Deluxe
Take yourself on a seaside getaway for Mother’s Day with our Beach House bouquet. The calming blue hydrangea is the perfect summer pair for the peach carnations and roses. Enjoy the fun lavender button pompons as a colorful contrast to the classic...