Golden Memories Arrangement
Golden roses, Asiatic lilies and yellow oncidium orchids nurture golden memories. A heartfelt expression of your sympathies.
Light In Your Honor Arrangement
Bursting forth like a thousand stars, this arrangement of lilies, roses, orchids and more is impactful and sophisticated. Appropriate to send to the funeral home.
FTD Beautiful Day Bouquet- Standard
Spectacular white blooms elegantly displayed in our gold dip vase.
FTD Beautiful Day Bouquet-Premium
Spectacular white blooms elegantly displayed in our gold dip vase.
Tropical Planter with Orchid
White ceramic planter filled with assorted tropical plants, and includes a beautiful double stem white Phalaenopis orchid plant. * Tropical plant assortment may vary- shown pink, however orchid is white* **Ceramic dish may vary**
Tropical Ceramic Planter
Tropical planter with a mixture of flowering & non flowering plants and mixed plants in a ceramic dish. *Dishes may vary in colour**
Comfort Planter
The peace lily plant extends white blossoms like candles above its glossy, dark green leaves. It's the perfect expression of peace and hope.