Forever in Our Hearts Bouquet
A simple and lovely white bouquet to offer your sympathies. White Gerbera daisies, spray roses and button pompons are accented with delicate astilbe and seeded eucalyptus. Arranged in a square white vase, it can easily be displayed anywhere in the home.
Peaceful Reflection-Deluxe
Whitewashed basket with mixed white blooms suitable for both the service or home.
FTD Beyond Blue Box-Standard
There is something about the shade of blue that brings a sense of calmness and serenity. Our Beyond Blue Box bouquet is designed in a white box with billowing white blooms and pops of bold florals.
In Loving Memory Arrangement
Soft whites and creams are arranged in a glass vase to create a soothing bouquet.
FTD® Faithful Blessings™ Bouquet- Standard
The symbolic white lily shares meaningful messages with your loved ones during times of joy as well as times of sadness. Our Faithful Blessings™ bouquet features a gorgeous cross adorned vase that is full of breathtaking blooms. It is perfect for...
FTD Faithful Blessings Bouquet - Premium
The symbolic white lily shares meaningful messages with your loved ones during times of joy as well as times of sadness. Our Faithful Blessings™ bouquet features a gorgeous cross adorned vase that is full of breathtaking blooms. It is perfect for...
FTD Beautiful Day Bouquet-Premium
Spectacular white blooms elegantly displayed in our gold dip vase.
Angels Grace
Beautiful angel keepsake with the addition of a rose spray. **Three angels to choose from, as well as choice of roses-pink. white or red.** ***Angel measures 12"h x 6.5"w x 5"d***
FTD Eternal Friendship Basket
A beautiful way to remember a special person. A basket arrangement filled with lilies, snapdragons, spray roses, orchids, carnations and more. Appropriate to send to a home or to a funeral.